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When a student is absent a parent must phone 01277 245492  or 01277 219131 option 2 or email the school attendance@shenfield.essex.sch.uk on each day of absence explaining the reason.

Leaving a message does not make the absence authorised.

If a student is sent home by the school First Aider, this will be authorised as it has been deemed that the student is not well enough to be in school.

Medical appointments

Appointments will only be authorised if evidence is shown i.e. appointment letter/card.

If a student has an on-going medical issue and the First Aider has been informed and evidence of this is on file, the absence related to the issue will be authorised, i.e. a diabetic absent due to hypo/low blood sugar levels.

Continued unauthorised absences will result in a meeting with the Attendance Officer/Pastoral Manager, an action plan will be implemented, and if absences continue after this, a warning letter will be sent to all parents with parental responsibility warning of the issue of a Penalty Notice/a meeting with Attendance Compliance Team.


Leave of Absence

If you apply for a LOA (Leave of Absence) during the school term, it will be at the Headteacher's discretion if this will be authorised. A letter in advance must be sent to either the Headteacher or the Attendance Officer stating when the absence will be, how many school days will be missed and the reason for the absence during term time.

You will receive a return letter informing you of the decision. If it is deemed to be unauthorised all parents may be liable for the issue of a Penalty Notice of £60.00 per child per parent.

Warning Letter

Parents/carers with Parental responsibility will be sent a warning letter after:
a) receiving an Attendance letter, and
b) having attended a School Attendance meeting

The warning letter sets out the procedures that will follow. The student will be monitored by the Attendance Officer and parents will be liable for a Penalty Notice to be issued if unauthorised absences (irregular attendance) continue after receiving the letter.

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