Junior Sports Academy
Excellence in Sport
Key Dates and Information 2023
Summer Sports Camp (for all new Year 7 students) - 22nd to 25th August 2023 - 9:00- 2:00pm 2023
From September 2023:
One morning (Friday) every week Year 7 JSA are out of form time for strength & conditioning, games for understanding, technical skill development session (8:25-9:00am)
Tuesday 12th September 2023 Parent and Student Information Evening (5.45pm): Focus on Introduction to the JSA programme, goal setting, nutrition, strength and conditioning, sport psychology.
After October Half Term there will be a fitness re-testing and fitness evaluation process which will help each student set fitness targets for the year. Students not in the JSA programme and excelling will be considered for selection to the JSA programme. Students not committing to 4 extra-curricular sessions a week or upholding the whole school standards* will leave the JSA programme (This has not happened yet amongst Year 7 students as they are hugely motivated by the programme).
*JSA standards/Expectations: Commitment to JSA and extra-curricular sport sessions (4 clubs each week), attitude and behaviour in PE and whole school is excellent and a positive example to others.
FAQ's for Junior Sports Academy
If you wish to apply to the Junior Sports Academy for the Year 7 intake, please click here.
* Facilities *
* Photo Gallery *