Our uniform is smart and comfortable. Our present school uniform and badge were introduced in 2012 to mark the school’s 50th anniversary and features the school’s traditional symbols: a crown and spurs. Each year group has its own colour and this is embroidered onto the spurs on the blazer. Care should be taken to purchase the appropriate colour for the child’s year group.
We expect students to wear our school uniform correctly and with pride. School uniform is compulsory for all students Y7 to Y11. Sixth Form students are expected to abide by the school’s Sixth Form uniform.
Blazer |
Black blazer with school badge. |
Jumper |
Black V-neck jumper with school badge, with or without sleeves |
Skirt/Trousers |
Black tailored trousers |
Shirt |
White shirt, long or short sleeved with school tie |
Shoes |
Black shoes (no boots, trainers/leather trainers, no backless shoes, no heels, no canvas style shoes) |
Tights or socks |
Black or natural coloured tights (no patterns) |
Hair |
Natural colours – no extreme styles will be tolerated |
Summer uniform |
White polo shirt with embroidered school logo and year coloured collar and cuffs. |
Make-up |
No make-up in years 7-9, only discreet make up acceptable for older years. |
Other requirements:
Coat: plain, weatherproof and without logos. No leather or denim.
Jewellery: one small stud earring may be worn in the lower lobe of each ear. No other facial or visible body piercings are allowed; this includes tongue piercings. A wristwatch may be worn.
Throughout their time at Shenfield, the following items will all be required. Badged items must be purchased from Red Oak Roller:
- Long sleeved black and gold outdoor shirt with school logo (compulsory for boys)
- Short sleeved black and gold polo shirt with school logo
- Black and gold shorts/skort with school logo
- Short white socks
- Long black Socks
- Shin pads
- Sports trainers suitable for indoor use
- Football boots
- Plain black swimming shorts or costume
- Plain black swimming hat
Optional Items:
- 1/4 zip black tracksuit top
- Black fitted tracksuit bottoms
- Black thermal layers to wear under kit in adverse conditions
Please note; this list is not exhaustive and the school reserves the right to make decisions on what constitutes appropriate uniform.
Parents are advised that valuables should not be brought to school and, if they are, it is at the student’s own risk.
The school's uniform supplier is:-
Sales Line: 01268 722680
Website www.redoak-schooluniform.co.uk Email shop@redoak-schooluniform.co.uk
Basildon Office
Red Oak Roller
4 Buckwins Square
Burnt Mills Ind Est
SS13 1BJ
Opening Times – During School Holidays Monday-Friday 9:00-5.00 |
Opening Times – Rest of Year Monday- Closed |
From Brentwood take the Ingrave Road to the A127.
Turn towards Southend.
Take the second Basildon turn off - marked Wickford.
Turn under A127, past Sainsburys on the left.
At the next main roundabout turn left.
Take the last turning on the right, Josselin Road then first turning left, Woolaston Way.
Buckwins Square is on the left off of Watkins Close. We are opposite 'Nightfreight'.
School Uniform Policy click here