Awards and Student Leadership
A Culture of Celebration
Throughout their time at Shenfield High School, students enjoy an array of opportunities to be rewarded and recognised for the effort and personal qualities they contribute within their time here.
Reward systems in school are framed around ‘The 3 C’s’; three key qualities encouraged both in learning and the wider school community.
Actions that demonstrate a positive mindset towards the overcoming of challenges and barriers faced within learning. This may be established through attitude to learning, the seeking of additional learning opportunities, or response to feedback. This may include working towards or beyond specific learning and personal targets or objectives.
Actions that include individuals or groups having a positive impact towards the school environment. Such actions should exemplify school values and may occur within classroom learning, social time actions or extra-curricular commitment.
Actions in which individuals work collectively with their peers or staff to achieve a desired goal or outcome. Collaboration may include elements of teamwork, development of shared approaches, inspiration, assistance or support.
Dependant on their year group, and the nature of their achievement, students are awarded the following for demonstration of these qualities:
Celebration Points – Categorised by each C, and earnt from Year 7 to 9
KS4 Credits – Achieved in Years 10 and 11 for aspects that personify our 3 C’s.
Commendations – Once again administered for each category, but for significant acts.
KS3 Shenfield Awards
In their initial three years at school, students aim to achieve targets and thresholds for each of our 3 C Categories, progressing through a route of Bronze, Silver and Gold accreditation.
These awards are tracked and monitored alongside their form tutors, and require either 20 celebration points, or one commendation in each category.
All achievements are monitored and accumulated within their personalised Award folders, and celebrated within the redeveloped house system at Shenfield High School.
Headteacher Award
Within Year 10, and in preparation for their final examination year, Year 10 students are given a fresh start in the Awards process to seek application for a prestigious Headteacher Award.
In order to apply for the award, student must satisfy initial criteria that includes:
60+ KS4 Credits
An Attitude to learning of 3.2+
For students who achieve these measures, they will be invited to source a staff recommendation, and apply formally for the award, submitting an application that identifies how they have met the schools values throughout their time here.
Headteacher Awards should be used as a valid reference point for outstanding achievement in any future applications to Sixth form, College, Apprenticeship programmes and beyond.
Wider School Awards/Celebration Events
Alongside a robust Awards programme that all students’ access, Shenfield also recognises significant achievement through the other calendared events:
• KS4 and 5 Awards
• Musician of the Year Awards
• Sports Awards Evening
• Jack Petchey Award ceremonies
• House Awards
• Celebration Assemblies
• End of Year Celebration Awards (Year group based)
Student Leadership
For many of the students at Shenfield, they aspire to be successful and influential young people, who given an opportunity to shine, often demonstrate their greatest qualities.
In 2020-21, the school employed its inaugural Student Leadership Team, with a huge remit of redeveloping the house system as its priority.
Students have the opportunity to apply for a plethora of leadership roles on an annual basis, for which they can each represent their house for their given Year group.
• For Key Stage 3, leadership roles are on offer for House Captain, Vice-Captain (Community), Sport Captain and Performing Arts Captain.
• Within Year 10, Students are provided with the same roles, but as a Leader rather than Captain, expected to work closely with Captains in lower year groups and support any work ongoing within those year groups.
• Our Year 11 students will be offered the opportunity to apply for prefect status, in which their previous leadership capacities and qualities will provide valuable evidence.
• Within the Sixth form, our Key Stage 5 leadership team continue to operate in their usual capacity, but now leading a Team of student as well as events and aspects within the Sixth form.
Through the experiences gained as a student leader, we hope students accrue an array of skills and experiences that can provide assistance in their future endeavours, but also provide the platform to recognise further some of the truly inspiring students we have at Shenfield High School.