Statement of Principles
The purpose of this statement is to give guidance to the Headteacher in drawing up the School’s behaviour and discipline policy by stating the principles which governors expect to be followed.
We expect the School to create a positive learning environment in which students and teachers work together to ensure that the core values of Shenfield High School are upheld:
- Respect
- Learning
- Responsibility
- Security
- Community
- Success
We therefore expect the School’s Behaviour for Learning Policy to:
- aim to provide a safe, secure and supportive environment where all students can learn to the best of their ability and all teachers can teach good and outstanding lessons.
- be built upon the fundamental principle of building positive relationships and supporting students in meeting expectations.
- support the expectation that all students will engage in all learning opportunities, demonstrating a positive attitude and a desire to achieve the best they possibly can whilst supporting the learning of their fellow students.
- provide clarification, coherence and consistency in understanding and implementing the rights and responsibilities of students and teachers.