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Sociology is the study of society and of people and their behaviour. You will study various aspects of human life, and consider why people behave in the way they do. Below are some of the different areas that are explored in sociology:

  • Educational underachievement
  • The diversity of families in Britain and the role that they play
  • Social inequality
  • Belief systems
  • The role of the sociologist in understanding and researching society
  • The causes of criminal and deviant behaviour

Many lawyers, teachers, senior police officers, politicians and journalists have sociology qualifications. Sociologists are also common in social work, medicine, the probation service and prisons.

Please click here for the curriculum and PREP Overview.

Key Stage 4 

GCSE Syllabus: Eduqas

GCSE Code: 603/1045/5

Key Stage 5

GCE Syllabus: AQA

GCE Title: 7192

Sociology KS4 Curriculum Overview

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