Social Science
Philosophy and Aims
- to give you the knowledge, skills and understanding to play an effective role in society.
- to help you to become an informed, thoughtful and responsible citizen, who is aware of their duties as well as their rights.
- to encourage your spiritual, moral, cultural and possibly religious development.
- to show you the benefits of playing a helpful part in both your school and wider community.
- to encourage you to respect different cultural, national and religious groups.
- to develop your ability to think about local, national and international political and religious issues.
- to help you make effective decisions about your future career and study options.
- to help you to lead emotionally and physically healthy lifestyles.
Social Science is taught to all students in Years 7 – 10.
Key Stage 3
Knowledge and understanding of the key historical events, beliefs & practices of major religions in accordance with the Essex Agreed Syllabus.
Personal, Social & Health Education which includes accurate and up to date information about the risks and legal aspects of legal & illegal drug taking & sexual health and relationships education.
Careers Education and Guidance supporting future planning around KS4 Option Choices.
Knowledge and understanding of the political and legal systems in the UK.
Key Stage 4
All year 10 pupils follow a general non-exam course covering life choices, First Aid and health, PSHE topics, Money Management and Careers Education. The course also includes reference to those general skills needed for GCSE courses, such as literacy, writing in detail, justification of your own opinion and evaluation skills.
In addition to this compulsory course for all, the department also offers a GCSE course in Sociology and a BTEC course in Health and Social Care.
Key Stage 5
Students have a wide range of choices for KS 5 courses in Social Sciences. We run A levels in Law, Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology. We also offer a L3 BTEC Health and Social Care as a single or a triple course.
We have an extensive range of differentiated books covering religious, ethical, social, political & health issues. We use a variety of drama documentaries and topic relevant films.
Please click here for the curriculum and PREP Overview.