Physical Education
Students in years 7 – 9 are taught in blocks of activities for between 6 and 12 hours each in every year. Activities include:-
- Gymnastics
- Football
- Netball
- Handball
- Short Tennis
- Swimming
- Rugby
- Basketball
- Health Related Exercise
- Athletics
- Short Tennis
- Rounders
- Cricket
The curriculum in each activity covers: acquiring and developing skills, selecting and applying, evaluating and improving performance and developing knowledge and understanding of fitness and health. Additionally the Health Related Exercise programme aims to develop students' understanding of the benefits of exercise to health and fitness.
In Years 10 and 11 students choose a winter and a summer activity to specialise in. The syllabus includes officiating, analysing, tactics and performance. In addition, students follow other complementary activities in shorter blocks. All students also follow a fitness programme devised to develop their ability in weights, circuits and aerobics.
GCSE PE is also a very popular option subject at Key Stage 4.
Please click here for the curriculum and PREP Overview.
GCSE Syllabus: Edexcel
GCSE Title
Component 1: Fitness and Body Systems
Section 1: Anatomy and Physiology
Section 2: Movement Analysis
Section 3: Physical Training
Component 2: Health and Performance
Section 4: Health, Fitness and Well-being
Section 5: Sport Psychology
Section 6: Sport, Society and Culture
A Level
The A Level PE course is divided into four units, half of which are studied in year one and the other two units in year two. The non-examined assessments make up 30% of the final grade of which 15% accounts for assessment of the performance in one sport and the other 15% for an Evaluation interview that examines the provides feedback on the effectiveness of sports performance linking theory content to explain how the performance could be improved. The final 70% weighting is given to the 3 written examinations (physiology, psychology and socio-cultural topic areas) in May/June of year two of the course.
What does the practical work involve?
A Level PE assessment includes 30% of Non-examined Assessments. 15% of this is for the practical assessment of participation in one sport. The other 15% is assessed via an evaluation and analysis for performance improvement (EAPI). This entails observing strengths and weaknesses in a practical performance and verbalising an action plan for improving a key weakness with theoretical links from all areas of the A Level specification.
Sports activities on offer include:
- Swimming,
- Football,
- Netball,
- Hockey,
- Rugby League,
- Rugby Union,
- Basketball,
- Badminton,
- Tennis
- Cricket
- Circuit Training
- Athletics
- Trampolining
BTEC Qualifications
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Sport and Exercise Science
1080 Guided Learning Hours
Equivalent in size to three A Levels
13 units of which 7 are mandatory and 4 are external
Mandatory content (67%)
External assessment (42%)
A 2 year programme of study across multidisciplinary units. Learners study six Units in Year 12 and seven in Year 13. Typically learners will study three units at one time from a different specialist teacher. It is best suited to learners who want to progress to higher education programmes in the sport and exercise science sector.
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport
360 Guided Learning Hours
Equivalent in size to one A Level
4 units of which 3 are mandatory and 2 are external
Mandatory content (83%)
External assessment (67%)
A 2 year course taken alongside two A Levels. Two units are studied in both Year 12 and 13. This qualification is designed to support progression to higher education when taken as part of a programme of study that includes other appropriate BTEC Nationals or A Levels.