Welcome to the Careers Department. All students from Year 7 to Year 13 take part in careers activities and learning as appropriate to their age. Mrs S Walls is the Careers Leader. Staff can be contacted in the careers office and on The September Guarantee means that all 16 and 17 year olds should have an offer of learning at a school Sixth form, college, apprenticeship, traineeship or employment combined with part time education or training. As a school, we ensure that all students have appropriate careers support and guidance throughout their time at Shenfield to enable them to select the path that will secure the best outcome for them. We also work closely with Essex County Council to ensure that all students have appropriate opportunities for learning.
Quality in Careers Award
Shenfield High School is delighted to confirm that we have been externally assessed and awarded the national Quality in Careers Standard for our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Provision. We are very proud of this achievement which recognises the quality and breadth of our Careers Provision. As always, our aim is to provide an outstanding programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance activities that satisfy national requirements and provide guidance which enables us to address the career development needs of all our students.