Supporting the needs of all our Students (SEN)
Some young people need additional help and support during their time in school, either temporarily or throughout their education. Shenfield High School is committed to providing that support by using the resources within the school and, where appropriate, working closely with external agencies.
Central to the support we offer is our Faculty of Learning Support which coordinates provision for students who need extra support whether that is academically or socially or emotionally.
If your child has additional educational needs and you would like more information about the support provided by the school, please contact our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, e-mail: T: 01277 219131
Parental Meetings
Parental meeting opportunities take place each term and allow parents, students and school staff to work together to improve access to the curriculum and overcome any barriers that a student faces.
Essex Local Offer
The link below will take you to the Essex Local Offer. This is a service for parents and carers which gives information on the range of services that are available to support both yourself and the young person.
If you would like to book an individual consultation with the SENCO please contact our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, e-mail: T: 01277 219131