Science and Engineering
Philosophy and Aims
Science and Engineering are two of the few subjects that call upon a students skills in both English and Mathematics to solve problems and provide reasoned arguments and in-depth evaluations of real world problems.
At Shenfield High School we are fortunate to have a highly professional and highly experience team who are committed to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to use both their literacy and numeracy skills in the pursuit of a better understanding of how the world around us works.
Mixing theoretical and practical lessons, staff work tirelessly to ensure that students receive the highest quality science and engineering education, delivered by subject specialists.
We believe the science students of today shape the future of our tomorrow.
GCSE Syllabus:
AQA Combined Science: Trilogy
AQA Separate Science: Biology, Chemistry, Physics
A Level Syllabus:
AQA for Physics
OCR for Biology
OCR for Chemistry
The department aims to give full access to the Engineering curriculum for all pupils regardless of their gender, background or ability. All pupils will have the opportunity to achieve their full potential in this new and exciting Engineering course, all they need to bring with them is a keen work ethic.
The course provides students with a change to learn about the differences in engineering materials including how and why they are used in various different applications. Students will also have the chance to analyse the materials choices and methods of fabrications behind certain engineering products as well as the health and safety requirements in engineering environments. The course also allows students the opportunity to use their practical skills in the workshop and the chance to design, develop and fabricate their own tools and products.
All students qualifiy for entry into the STEM activities the school organises including rocket building, the soapbox challenge and the minibike challenge.
We are looking forward to achieving great success working as a supportive team to further our students’ progression and enthusiasm for all aspects of engineering.
Syllabus: Edexcel Btec Tech Award in year 11, NCFE Engineering in Year 10