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Support Policy

 Sixth Form Support Policy 2024-25


Level 1:              

  • Student spoken to by member of staff
  • Targets Set and logged on sims (Linked Documents)
  • Pastoral Manager informed

Level 2:     

  • Parent spoken to by member of staff
  • Meeting with Teacher, Student and Team Leader
  • Pastoral Manager informed of outcome

Level 3:              

  • Parent spoken to by Head of Department
  • Meeting with Team Leader, Parent, Student and Head of Year                

Level 4:     

  • Parent spoken to by Head of Department
  • Meeting with Head of Sixth Form, Team Leader, Parent and Student

 Reasons the Sixth Form support policy should be used

  • Concerns with student engagement
  • Failure to submit coursework
  • Poor attitude in class, form or around the school
  • Concerns with student progress
  • Concerns with attendance

Reviewing a student on the policy

  • Progress will be reviewed in two school weeks.  Pastoral Manager will email staff directly to determine if progress towards target has been made.
  • The student must move upwards or downwards on the policy as a result of the review
  • In the event that the student causes concern within the two weeks, please inform the relevant Pastoral Manager and the student will move up the levels