Getting Involved
Sixth Form students play an important role in the life of the school in a number of ways
All students in Year 12 become involved in contributing to the school community through the Community Enrichment Programme. Choices of activities range from paired reading, helping in departments, leading the school’s House System and running clubs. Many students are also involved in external community projects.
In Year 13, students are invited to stand for the elected posts of Head Boy and Head Girl. Upon election, responsibilities include chairing the Students’ Council and representing the whole of the Sixth Form formally and informally, including occasional ‘feedback’ meetings with the Headteacher and other members of her senior team. They also represent the Sixth Form at Open Evenings, assemblies and a variety of public events.
Students also help at Sports Day, Careers Evening, Open Days and with a host of other events, as well as assisting with the running of a number of school clubs and articulating the ‘Student Voice’ through the School Council and other mechanisms.
These are all worthwhile experiences and invaluable for the students’ CVs. As a Sixth Form we are open to any reasonable request, indeed, we encourage our students to think of new ways to develop their talents and interests.