Bursary Fund
Young people who need some financial support to help them stay in education or training after 16 can apply to their school, college or training provider for the 16-19 Bursary Fund.
There will be three levels of Shenfield High School Bursary and you can apply for one only:
Level 1: Those most in need, such as young people in care, care leavers, young people receiving Income Support or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves and anyone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or a partner. Disabled young people receiving both Employment Support Allowance or Universal Credit and Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments can apply for a bursary of up to £1,200 per year.
Level 2: This bursary can be allocated to students who need support to overcome financial barriers that might prevent them continuing in full time education. This bursary is for students who received Free School Meals in Year 11 and continue to be eligible for Free School Meals in the Sixth Form. They will receive a bursary for identified and agreed costs outlined in the application process.
Level 3: This level of bursary is for those students with a financial need who do not fall into the above categories. This is a match-funded bursary. Applications must state what the identifiable financial need is, and evidence provided to support this. The criterion for any support is that the total household income must be less than £28,000pa and that no other income is available from another household to support the student. Documentary evidence is required.
Please see Mrs Dunn for an application form.
The deadline for applications is 23rd September 2024.